How to Provide a Strong CTA for Your Twitter Ads

August 24, 2021 Jananie Chandranathan Digital Marketing

Have you ever scrolled through social media and saw an ad that encouraged you to buy something? If so, that might have been the magic work of a CTA (call to action) . A call to action is the key component that lets users know what to do next. If you’ve used calls to action on Twitter and they haven’t worked, keep reading to learn four key ways to optimize your Twitter ads’ CTA.

1. Tweet at the Best Time

You can create the most appealing Twitter ad with the best call to action – but if you post when fewer users are active on the platform, your hard work might go to waste. Publishing your tweets at the right time is key to getting the best results.  According to Sproutsocial, the best time to post for optimal views is at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays. For constant engagement, it’s best to post between 8:00 am – 4:00 pm on weekdays.

2. Highlight Urgency

An effective call to action is one that audiences act upon immediately. Creating a sense of urgency in your ads makes your audience more likely to respond. Phrases such as “Limited time”, “Sign Up Now” “Before it’s too late”, “ends on (date)” or asking questions like “Do you need”, “Are you tired of”, “Are You Looking For” are all great for grabbing your audiences’ attention. Using these phrases prevents the audience from holding off their time. Asking questions lets the audience know that you have a solution to their problem, encouraging them to take action immediately. 

3. Limit the Use of Hashtags

Be mindful of the way you use hashtags on Twitter. Usually, hashtags are a great tool to reach more people on Twitter, gain followers, or raise brand awareness. However, having too many things to click on can confuse users – so if your goal is to increase conversions and website traffic, refrain from using too many hashtags.  

4. Send Users to the Correct Landing Page

Make sure your audience is sent straight to the page you want them to see once they click your ad. It can be disappointing for users to have to click a link, just to be led through more pages. When users click your CTA, they should be taken directly to the page discussed in the ad.

3  CTA’s to Use in Your Twitter Ads 

Now that we’ve gone over some practices for creating Twitter ads, let’s look at how you can phrase your call to action to optimize engagement. 

1. Get Twitter Users to Retweet Your Content

When you post valuable content on Twitter that people resonate with, oftentimes they’ll retweet it!  If you’re posting something with the goal of helping users, use “Retweet” as your CTA method to get the best results.

Twitter suggests that you: 

2. Get Twitter Users to Follow You

Using the “Follow” button as your CTA will make reaching a new audience much easier. According to Sproutsocial, close to half of all marketers point to Twitter to engage with customers. But, how do you gain followers in the first place?

Twitter suggests that you: 

3. Get Twitter Users to Reply to your Tweets 

Asking your followers to reply to your tweets is another great CTA method used on Twitter. Getting replies will result in much higher engagement. This also makes your brand look customer-friendly, which increases brand loyalty. There are many ways to request a response –  what can you do to get your followers to reply?  

Twitter suggests that you: 

Twitter CTA Best Examples 

Let’s take a look at the Twitter CTA best practices in action! 

In this tweet, Simply Supplements is providing a strong CTA by asking audiences to retweet their post, which is a Twitter-specific call to action. The words “FOLLOW” and “RETWEET” are all in capital letters –  This makes them stand out from the rest of the words in the tweet, leading users to spot the call to action right away.

Let Growvare Help YOU! 

Now that you’ve learned how to optimize your Twitter ads using a strong CTA, try out different phrases and find out what works for you!  Don’t worry about running the Twitter ads by yourself – we can help with that!  Growvare uses AI to monitor and optimize your ads 24/7. Book a meeting with us to find out more! 

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