Here’s What a Successful Conversion Strategy on Snapchat Ads Looks Like

September 17, 2021 Jananie Chandranathan Digital Marketing

Snapchat, which was once used strictly for snapping friends, is now becoming a great marketing channel for businesses. You might be thinking, “Meh, I don’t think Snapchat ads are worth it.” Well, Snapchat has over 280 million users! Still on the fence? Let’s look at some impressive data: 

Now that you’ve seen some interesting statistics, let’s dive right into the tips and tricks! 

7 Snapchat Marketing Strategies to Increase Your Conversion Rate

What can you do as an advertiser to take advantage of Snapchat ads?

1. Create Shorter Ads

Interest and attention span are growing shorter nowadays. Your ad must create an impact within seconds! Stories, snaps, and TikTok clips are all influencing the creation of brief advertisements. A study by MAGNA Global states that response rates to 6-second videos are increasing. Audiences remembered 6-second and 15-second ads and found the longer ads more complicated to recall. Creating shorter ads will make your ads memorable to users, increasing your conversion rate.

Yellow video icon to represent 6 second videos on Snapchat

2. Add Audio to Your Snapchat Ads

While users on other social media apps sometimes watch videos on silent, Snapchat users prefer to watch videos with their sound on. In fact, 60% of Snapchat ads are watched with the audio on. This feature is considered an essential part of the Snapchat experience. A great way to implement the sound on feature for your Snapchat ads is including a customer testimonial. This helps improve your credibility and shows Snapchat users how your product can add value for them.

Snapchat and speaker side by side

3. Use Intriguing Copy

The purpose of ad copy is to compel users to take interest in the brand and purchase from them. Besides the image and videos used in your ads, copywriting is a key factor in sparking the interest of customers. Consider using these tips to create a compelling ad copy: 

4. Shoppable AR Lens Feature

Since the beginning of the pandemic, augmented reality (AR) has become a massive trend for connecting with customers. In fact, Deloitte states that 94% of customers are expected to use AR significantly more in 2022 than in 2021. Snapchat is well-known for using AR lenses to interact with its users. This seamless user experience allows users to try on products in the comfort of their own homes! For example, MAC Cosmetics used Snapchat’s AR lenses feature to let users choose from four lenses and try 20 shades of lip and eye products. 

The Shoppable AR Lenses feature has three categories:

The benefits of using Shoppable AR Lenses, you ask? 

Raise Brand Awareness – The lens has been viewed over 2 trillion times, giving businesses an excellent opportunity to get a high number of views and conversions.

Woman using snapchat augmented reality lens that gives her pink her and pink glasses.

5. Include User-Generated Content (UGC)

Have you ever come across videos of people discussing a new pair of sneakers, or a review on a recent makeup purchase? These are all examples of UGC! UGC is content such as videos, images, or audio that customers publish on social network sites, featuring your brand’s products. This plays a significant role in boosting your conversion rate. Don’t believe it? Here’s some data that proves this: 

If you don’t use UGC in your marketing strategy, it’s time to consider using it now!

6. Use Proper Ad Attachments

So now your audience has seen your ad, great! But wait – the goal is for them to act immediately! You want your audience to enter the sales funnel and get conversions. So, what should you do? Direct them to your landing page! 

Here are three types of ad attachments used on Snapchat ads to increase your conversion rate: 

The attachment you choose depends on the goal of your Snapchat ads. To increase online sales, use web view attachments. For boosting app installs, use app install attachments, and to drive app visits and engagement, use deep link attachments.

Different types of Snapchat ads side by side, and their placement on the screen.

7. Use Snapchat’s Ad Engagement Audiences Feature

Ad engagement audiences retarget Snapchat users who have previously engaged with your Snapchat ads. You can easily move users through the sales funnel with retargeting ads. 

Let’s explore how you can use this feature effectively. 

Use Growvare to Get One Step Ahead! 

To run successful ads, you need the right strategies. Use the seven practices mentioned above to see great results from your Snapchat ads. But wait! You also need the proper tools to help improve your ads… Growvare is here to help you! Our platform uses AI to monitor and optimize your ads in real-time, resulting in a higher conversion rate. Book a meeting with us today to find out more!

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