How to Expose Your Brand to 90% of Online Customers

September 29, 2021 Jananie Chandranathan Digital Marketing

Have you ever wondered why we say “Google” instead of “search engine”, or “iPad” instead of “tablet”? Well, this is what brand awareness is. It refers products to specific brands,  subconsciously making us replace general words with branded terms.

The Importance of Building Brand Awareness 

The power of brand awareness can have customers immediately think of your brand when they see a product. If a customer were to search for running shoes on Google, they’re not going to type in “the best running shoes.” Instead, they’ll search for something like “Nike running shoes”. Likewise, when customers are craving a fizzy drink, the first drink that would come to their mind is Coca-Cola. Why? Because this is probably the most common drink. In fact, Coca-Cola is one of the most recognizable brands globally, recognized by 94% of the world’s population. It’s no surprise that brand awareness is the very first stage of the marketing funnel. Without achieving this, it’ll be difficult to move customers through this funnel. 

Benefits of Google Display Ads

Before we jump into the tips and tricks, let’s take a look at the advantages display ads can provide for your brand!

1. Inexpensive

Compared to Google Search ads, the cost per click (CPC) for display ads is low. While the average CPC for search ads is $2.41, the average CPC for display ads is $0.59. Display ads also use the Cost-per-impression (CPM) pricing model, which charges per thousand impressions, and is cheaper than CPC. Rates for CPM go for as low as 50 cents, which means that your ad can be viewed 1000 times for 50 cents!

2. Reach a Large Audience

The Google Display Network includes more than 2 million websites consisting of Gmail, Youtube, blogs and apps. Google display ads are very helpful in increasing brand awareness. In fact, a study done by the Interactive Advertising Bureau showed that campaigns that used display ads increased their brand awareness by 21%. This is because display ads help you reach 90% of worldwide internet users by showing your ads across multiple sites and social media platforms.

3. Visually Appealing 

Image and video-based ads are more engaging and attention-grabbing than text-based ads. Unlike search campaigns, display ads offer numerous options: images, videos and audio. Using these options, you can incorporate your brand colours, logo, customer testimonials and product description videos, making the display network an effective tool for brand awareness. 

4. Offers Various Targeting Options 

The Google Display Network helps you find the right audience. Instead of demographic targeting options, display ads offer more precise targeting options, including: 

How can you raise brand awareness with the Google Display Network?

1. Include a Logo in Your Display Ads 

The best way to increase brand awareness is by placing your logo in your ads so that users know which company’s ad they are viewing. Make sure to keep the logo big and visible. The best place to put your logo is on top of your display ad, which will be easier for users to spot. For even better results, include your brand name in your display ad as well. 

2. Display Your Ads in Appropriate Placements 

Placements are various spots where your ads are visible on the Google display network. Placements consist of websites, videos and apps. Although displaying your ads on multiple placements gives more exposure to your brand, it may not always reach the right audience. 

Consider excluding the following placements: 

3. Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS)

The legendary KISS rule can be applied to display ads. Nowadays, attention spans are growing short. Within a few seconds, users need to be well aware of your brand and the value it provides for them. The more cluttered it is, the less likely users are to remember your brand. How can you keep your ad simple?

4. Use Custom Visuals 

Images should never be included in an ad just for the sake of it. This leads to confusion, lack of interest and a decrease in brand awareness. Be mindful of the images you use – they should be relevant to your brand’s purpose. When used correctly, images can be a very powerful tool. In fact, the brain can process images 60,000 times faster than words. Do you know what that means? A picture is actually worth 60,000 words!

Consider using custom images. Stock images are a huge NO! These images don’t give your brand a personal touch and can make it look unprofessional. They are so common; chances are, your competitors are searching and using the same images too. On the other hand, custom images are more unique, consistent, and tell your story. Lifestyle product shots are a great choice of custom images to use in your display ads. This shot is a great way to show your products in use as it portrays real-life scenarios rather than displaying your product with a plain white background.

5. Write Unique Ad Copy 

Ad copy can be just as powerful as illustrations. Use compelling taglines, questions or jokes to make your audience remember your brand. Remember, many other businesses out there provide similar products or services as you. Make your brand stand out with a unique ad copy that will remain in customers’ memories.

6. Ensure the Design for Your Display Ads and Landing Page Are the Same 

Consistency is key for increasing brand awareness. Customers who see your ad in one place should be able to recognize your brand when they see it somewhere else. Ensure that your display ads match your brand guidelines. Whether it’s the font, colour, or logo – an ad and landing page that visually match will give users a seamless experience. However, a brand’s consistency shouldn’t only be based on these three factors. Unique and consistent brand message, tone, and language will also help customers easily identify you. If an offer is given in your display ad, that same offer should also show up on the landing page, to reduce bounce rates and increase brand awareness.

Google Display Ads Examples 

Now that you’ve learned a few tips and tricks, let’s look at a couple of examples of brands that have successfully implemented these practices. 

1. Aha!

Aha uses the KISS rule by using simple imagery and a short headline of fewer than 5 words. The transition from the display ad to the landing page is smooth, as the message and imagery are consistent.

Example of company Aha! using a consistent headline and imagery in their ad, and landing page.

2. Patagonia 

Patagonia’s display ad for its recycled waterproof jackets uses a fun and unique ad copy, “Shell Yeah.” This witty ad copy makes it more memorable to customers, while also tying back to its product’s purpose. The ad copy is clear, concise and compelling by adding a forthright description, “Recycled Waterproof Jackets”.

Patagonia's display ad says 'Shell Yeah". An example of unique and witty ad copy, that relates to the product - a waterproof jacket.

Growvare Can Help! 

Google Display ads are a great way to show the visual side of your brand! Need help with running Google Display ads? Don’t worry, we got you! Growvare monitors your Google display ad campaign performance 24/7 and optimizes your results real-time. Book a meeting with us to find out more!

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