5 Types of Shoppers to Look Out For This Black Friday

November 5, 2021 Jananie Chandranathan Digital Marketing

Have you ever noticed that when you order food with your friends or family, they usually each order something different? Just like that, no two customers will purchase the same product for the same reason. Understanding different shoppers’ habits help businesses make decisions that support each customer’s needs. 

Want to be prepared for the diversity of shoppers this Black Friday? Keep reading to learn how to sell to each shopper! 

5 Different Types of Shoppers 

1. The Bargain Hunter

Sale signs on a red background showing 50% off discount and 70% off discount, in a clothing store.

Keeping an eye on sales, using discount codes, promo codes, and coupons are all things these customers love to do. I mean, who doesn’t love a good deal? The main characteristics of bargain hunters are:

Simply put, bargain hunters are on the search for the best deal possible. In fact, a Google study found that eCommerce customers tend to be more bargain savvy. The price point is their primary purchasing consideration, followed by free shipping and discounts. 

Why You’re Unable to Convert Them? 

Many competitors offer the same deal as you, or even better ones – and bargain hunters are keen on prices. Once they see a better deal, they’ll take off. Not only that, but bargain hunters love to download price comparison extensions to make price hunting easier for them. Because of this, customers know where the sweetest deal is at the tip of their fingers. 

What Can You Do to Convert Them? 

What Ad Copy Should You Use? 

Create ad copy that includes a Buy One, Get One Free Offer, a discounted add-on item, or a complimentary item with purchase! Consider using the following: 

2. The Researcher

Research shoppers come onto your site with immense knowledge of the products they’re looking for. The main characteristics of research shoppers are:

These shoppers don’t want to regret purchasing the wrong product and will research to deep extents. In fact, 81% of consumers research their product before purchasing and spend 79 days gathering information. 

Why You’re Unable to Convert Them? 

These shoppers are all about mass quantities of information, so their biggest distractions are comparison sites, researching this. vs. that articles, and looking for every other available option in the market. In this process, they are likely to lose interest, get burnt out, or by the time they’ve made their decision, products are sold out. 

What Can You Do to Convert Them? 

What Ad Copy Should You Use? 

Include ad copy that encourages customers to download more information on your product, or create ad copy that shows your brand credibility. Look at the following: 

3. The Browser

Have you ever explored stores and picked out items that caught your eye at that moment? That’s exactly what browser shoppers are! The main characteristics of browser shoppers include:

Why You’re Unable to Convert Them? 

It’s simply because they don’t have a specific product in mind, and therefore need more convincing to convert. It can also be possible that browsers are on your site to pass time, and don’t intend to make a purchase. 

What Can You Do to Convert Them?

What Ad Copy Should You Use? 

An ad copy that emphasizes scarcity and sets deadlines can budge browser shoppers to make immediate purchases. Try the following: 

4. The Experiential Shopper

Blue painted walls, hand holding a phone that shows a photo of a white lamp with a red chair beside it.

Remember that time you went to Costco and tried the free samples? That’s exactly what experiential shopping is! Experiential shoppers don’t want to feel like any other regular customer, they want to: 

Why You’re Unable to Convert Them? 

Lack of imagination and innovation are the main reason for decreased conversions in experiential shoppers. Due to the pandemic, the lack of sensory experiences in physical stores has made these shoppers unsatisfied with the experience given by eCommerce stores. In fact, three in four shoppers visited physical stores during COVID and 50% claimed they will start shopping in person once the restrictions are fully lifted.

What Can You Do to Convert Them? 

What Ad Copy Should You Use? 

Use personalized ad copy that highlights special offers that can benefit customers. Here’s an example:

5. The Latest Shopper

Remember when fidget spinners were the latest trend and everyone had one? Our latest shoppers are obsessed with having the newest, and wouldn’t mind changing a perfectly working item for a trendier one. Latest shoppers – aka Early Adopters:

Why You’re Unable to Convert Them? 

Latest shoppers are always on the lookout for the newest item to hit the market. If you fail to provide them with that, they won’t hesitate to move on to your competitors. A slow website and checkout process can discourage these shoppers from converting. 

What Can You Do to Convert Them? 

What Ad Copy Should You Use?

Include ad copy that creates a lot of buzz around your product. Highlight that the product you’re offering is the newest in your product line to grab the attention of latest shoppers. Try the following: 

Growvare’s Got You! 

Attracting various kinds of shoppers can be a hassle, but Growvare can help you reach your shoppers in a quick and easy way! Save time and money by letting Growvare’s AI-driven targeting feature find your ideal customer within minutes. Book a meeting with us to find out more! 

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