How to Increase Your Holiday Sales

December 2, 2021 Jananie Chandranathan Digital Marketing

As the saying goes, it’s the most wonderful time of the year! But for retailers, it’s the busiest. It’s never too late to start planning and leveraging holiday ad campaigns. December is here and customers’ porches are filled with wreaths and Christmas lights – thus the holiday season begins.

Important Upcoming Holidays to Consider

Although Christmas is on December 25th, shopping for this exciting holiday starts much earlier. Overall, consumers spend $650 billion on gift shopping during the Christmas season.

Boxing Day 
This occurs the day after Christmas, on December 26th. Boxing day is considered the most popular day for returning Christmas gifts to stores. Online shopping is common during this day as 69% of shoppers prefer shopping online during boxing day.

7 Tips to Optimize Your 2021 Holiday Sales 

Let’s take a look at some holiday specific marketing strategies to increase your holiday sales this year! 

1. Personalize Your Holiday Content

Personalization allows you to provide a unique experience to customers, increasing your ROI. Nearly 89% of marketers stated that including personalization in their marketing strategy increased their revenue. Consider the following tips to target your customers with personalization: 

2. Design Holiday Landing Pages

Festive landing pages help set the mood for the holiday season and urge customers to purchase early. Here are some ideas to use for your landing page:

3. Set up Heat Maps

Heatmaps provide a deeper insight into customers’ behaviour compared to standard website stats. It shows you the places on your website users engage with the most. This will help you layout and design your website according to engagement.  For instance, if you put your holiday deals near the bottom of your homepage and realize users have been clicking on that section the most, you can move it up to the top to make it more visible to new customers visiting your site. Use tools such as Hotjar to put this practice into use.

4. Improve Your Navigation

Customers are constrained by time during the holiday season, and poor navigation can cause customers to leave your site. Consider the following tips to navigate your website better:

5. Make Use of Your Email List

Did you know 38% of shoppers indicated that emails helped them learn more about holiday deals and promotions? Not only that, but emails were responsible for 20% of site traffic during last year’s holiday season, and customers who discovered holiday deals through emails spent 138% more. 

Here are some email marketing ideas you can use to promote your holiday sales: 

6. Give Back to Your Community

Studies show that customers are four times more likely to buy from brands that support a cause. With the holiday season approaching, you can use this as part of your marketing strategy. Customers will be more satisfied with their purchase if they know that a portion of it is going towards a helpful cause. For example, Broken Riders sends 10% of each Black Friday purchase to a mental health charity called Mind.

7. Provide Special Offers 

Providing generous add-ons can strengthen your brand’s reputation. Here are two ways you can add a special touch for your customers:

Let Growvare Help! 

If you want to gain a competitive edge during this holiday season, start executing your strategies. Growvare is an AI-driven ad platform that can help you strengthen your holiday campaigns with tools such as split-testing, AI-driven targeting, multi-channel advertising and 24/7 campaign monitoring! Chat with us to find out more!

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